Codes Of Conduct / Rules of Play

TVYSA has adopted a zero tolerance of sideline misconduct and referee abuse for spectators. Referees will stop the game, notify person(s) of their misconduct, and give them a warning for spectator misconduct and abuse. The second time this occurs, the person(s) will be asked to leave the field area. The person(s) will not be allowed back on the fields for the remainder of the day. Referees will need to document concerns and issues to TVYSA officials. TVYSA has the right to refuse entry to TVYSA fields to any person(s). Referee assault (verbal or physical) could result in a ban from soccer.

Player Code of Conduct:

  1. All players are to show respect to everyone while participating in a TVYSA event.
  2. Refrain from un-sportsmanship during all activities.
  3. Follow all rules and schedules your coach gives you.
  4. Respect the rules of the game.
  5. The referee is in charge during the game.

Coach's Code Of Conduct

I coach because I want to help young people mature into well adjusted, productive adults with strong character and because I want these young people to get a proper exposure to the fun and exciting game of soccer. In short, I want them to enjoy soccer and sport and to grow up well.
1. My actions and personal manner will be a good example for young people to follow.
         a. I will treat all players, coaches, administrators, parents and referees with the respect and courtesy I desire for myself.
         b. Any dissatisfaction I want to express will be stated in a private forum and in a restrained and civil manner.
         c. I will respect and honor the beliefs and sensitivities of all players, coaches, parents, administrators, and referees.
2. No matter how selected, I recognize that all players on my team have value, both as players and as a person.
         a. If I select players for a competitive or select team, I will do so recognizing that players are on the team to play, not to watch.
         b. If I am assigned players for a recreational team, I recognize that all signed up to play and have fun and, except for health or disciplinary reasons, I am committed to playing each player at least fifty percent of the game and in a manner that seems fair to all players and parents.
         c. As a coach it is not appropriate for me to teach the players that "life is not fair"; they will learn enough of that on their own. My job is to make the soccer part of their life as fair as possible, no matter what the level of competition.
3. I will be prepared for each game and practice.
         a. For practices I will have a practice plan that efficiently uses the time available and teaches the players important skills and strategies for the game of soccer.
         b. For games I will have a game plan that will utilize the talents of all my players to the utmost while insuring that each player feels needed and respected.
4. I will be an encourager, not a discourager.
5. I will follow all the Laws of the Game and will abide by all the administrative procedures of my club, local association, South Texas Youth Soccer Association, United States Youth Soccer, and the United States Soccer Federation.
6. I will do my best to make soccer the fun game for all.

Rules of Play

3v3 Rules
Rules of play for U6 age group

4v4 Rules

Rules of play for U8 age group

6v6 Rules

Rules of play for U10 age group

8v8 Rules

Rules of play for U12 and U14 age group

U9 and Up Co-Ed Rules of Play

Co-Ed rules of play for U10, U12, and U14 age groups.

Copyright © 2025 Trinity Valley Youth Soccer Association